Photos: Metro Nashville Release Master Plan for Global Mall at the Crossings

Photo: Metro Nashville

Metro Nashville has released new renderings of the upcoming Global Mall at the Crossings.

Formerly the Hickory Hollow Mall, the 78-acre Global Mall site in Antioch was purchased by Metro Nashville in 2022. Once a vibrant shopping district, it had only a few stores remaining by 2009. In 2012, the mall rebranded as Global Mall at the Crossings and began transforming into a mix of uses. Now, the site will soon represent one of Metropolitan Nashville’s most significant redevelopment opportunities.

Today, the site includes a campus for Nashville State Community College, the Southeast Branch Library, and the Southeast Regional Community Center and the Ford Ice Center. The Global Mall Area Master Plan states these businesses will remain. The plan states other additions to the site will include shops, restaurants, cultural centers and office spaces.

After acquiring the site, Metro launched a robust planning process that included ideas and engagement from the community through workshops, stakeholder meetings and community events, resulting in the master plan document.

The proposed Global Mall Area Master Plan aims to:

• Provide robust workforce readiness and skills training services on the site together with support for unique, locally owned and operated small businesses. This will expand economic opportunities for, first, Antioch and, second, for the entire region;

• Nurture a rich mix of uses, which in turn will support a lively, diverse live, work, play, learn neighborhood across the site;

• Support an arts presence that underpins a new center for Antioch and the region’s diverse business community, and in the process helps attract the talent and companies

• Provide day care, senior housing, and other wellness and social services to create a complete community on the site; and

• Create new connections for pedestrians and bicyclists across the study area, as well as to regional destinations.

See the renderings below:

To learn more and view the complete Global Mall Area Master Plan, visit here.

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