Best Boat Options for July 4th Weekend


Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial kick-off to summer, is right around the corner. And year after year, you weigh the pros and cons of buying a boat. You keep putting it off. And you keep having regrets. You really want a boat…but you really don’t want the headaches, hassles and expenses that go with it. As the old saying goes, the best two days in a boater’s life are the day they buy the boat and the day they sell it!

But what if there was a better way?

To Buy or Not to Buy…That is the Question

You love the fun, freedom and family time on the lake. You love taking it easy or ratcheting up the thrill and speed. You love the togetherness and the breaks from screens and technology. You love to be outside.

But…you keep hesitating. You can’t decide whether to buy a speed boat or a fishing boat or a party boat or a family boat. And as if the cost of the boat itself wasn’t enough, you have to buy tons of accessories, including life jackets and toys for the day of fun in the sun. You worry you won’t use it enough. You have to pay slip fees…and then dry dock it in the off-season. And we haven’t even gotten to maintenance and repairs!

Boat Options

Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll still find some boats for rent on Memorial Day weekend. Maybe you’ll even rent again this summer. But there is so much hassle with renting…and it’s not always easy to get what you want when you want it.

Instead, join the Nautical Boat Club in Nashville this Memorial Day and enjoy huge perks all summer long. With a boat club, you’re not limited to buying one type of boat. You’ve got a lot more options and flexibility than a traditional boat rental. And the maintenance and worry are nonexistent.

What is a Boating Country Club®?

A boating country club is, in a word, freedom. It’s freedom from the difficulties and expenses of boat ownership. It’s freedom from having to limit yourself to one boat. It’s freedom from accessories and excess fees. Here are just a few of the perks you could be enjoying this Memorial Day.

  • Variety of Late Model Boats. If you want to fish with friends or enjoy a quiet solitary morning on the lake, then have a family gathering on a different boat the next day, you can! Replaced every couple of years, these boats are always in excellent condition and feature the latest amenities.
  • Accessories? Yes, Please! Life jackets, paddle boards, tubes, skis, kayaks and more are included in your membership cost. Best of all? When you make your boat reservation, add on the accessories you’d like and they’ll be waiting for you, all loaded up!
  • Time Together. The sun is shining and the water is perfect. But what you’re really after is the experience, the time spent with the ones you love. Reconnect with family and friends in the great outdoors in a stress-free manner.

Join the Boat Club

You want this Memorial Day, and this summer, to be relaxing and rejuvenating after a very long 18 months, join the club. No really, join the boat club. Complete the form and get ready for membership to the Nautical Boat Club and let all your hesitations and worries about boat ownership float away. You have the freedom of boat access with the burden of boat ownership.

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