Developers behind the imagination-driven, interactive theme park Storyville Gardens has its sights on a property in Lebanon for the new attraction, reports Nashville Business Journal.
G.C. Hixson executive director of the Joint Economic & Community Development Board of Wilson County stated to Nashville Business Journal, it’s his understanding that developers are targeting a property dubbed “Cumberland Center” between Interstate 40 and U.S. highways 231 and 70.
The Cumberland Center property has 132 acres and is listed for $12 million.
DeLisa and Elde Guerrier, the creators of Storyville Gardens announced the project in June 2021 with a projected open date of Spring 2025.
Storyville Gardens is described as a theme park that uses storytelling to engage and connect visitors with a sense of adventure, fantasy, and fun. The park will have four specific areas – Africa, Asia, Europe, and America, giving visitors a storybook tour of the world.
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