Don’t Miss Columbia’s Holiday Lights in the Park


Enjoy the Holiday Lights in the Park starting Monday, Dec. 11! The Columbia Parks and Recreation Department have lit up the parks this holiday season.

Holiday lights at Riverwalk, Woodland and Fairview Park run through December 31, 2022. Woodland and Fairview Park is a drive-through display.

Riverwalk Park is a walk-through display.

  • Woodland Park: 821 W 9th St, Columbia, TN 38401
  • Fairview Park: 871 Iron Bridge Rd, Columbia, TN 38401
  • Riverwalk Park: 102 Riverside Dr, Columbia, TN 38401

The lights will display every evening from 5:00 pm-8:00 pm.

Woodland Park will have only one way traffic entering via the bridge from West 9th Street during these times.

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