These are the health scores for some Asian restaurants in Maury County with their most recent inspection score as of January 10th, 2022.
Sushi Thai
Address: 5228 Main St. STE A-1 Spring Hill, TN 37174
Date: December 1, 2021
Score: 99
Fulin’s Asian Cuisine
Address: 1009 Crossings Blvd. Spring Hill, TN 37174
Date: December 1, 2021
Score: 96
Rice House
Address: 1105 N Main Street Mt Pleasant, TN 38474
Date: December 14, 2021
Score: 97
A-1 Japanese Steakhouse
Address: 815 S. James Campbell Blvd. Columbia, TN 38401
Date: December 13, 2021
Score: 100
These scores are from the Tennessee Department of Health. Department of Health environmental specialists inspect every establishment where food and beverages are prepared and served at least twice a year.
Food service establishments are required to post their most recent inspection report in a prominent location where it can be seen by the public, and inspection reports are available for review at Tennessee’s county health department locations.
Should a food safety concern be observed during a visit to a food service establishment in Tennessee, please contact Restaurant Complaint/Foodborne Illness Hotline 800-293-8228.
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