OBITUARY: Neil Chamberlain

Neil Chamberlain Obit

Neil (Aussie) Chamberlain 74 of Linden TN passed suddenly on December 28, 2024. He is proceeded in death by his parents George and Irene Chamberlain and best friend Everette (Buddy) Miller. Survivors include his son Stephan George Chamberlain and Amber Nicole Chamberlain (Arturo Arroyo), grandson Aiden Arroyo, and an unborn grandson all of California; Lakota Butler and Katori Collins both of Linden, TN; sister Pauline Oliver of Norfolk; nieces and nephews; and many Tennessee River friends that became family.

Neil enlisted at a young age in the United Kingdom and encountered an injury, was placed on a United States base in the United Kingdom, and then later got his green card, moving to California where he raised his children as a single father. He then moved to Tennessee in 2014 where he adopted many friends that became family.

He enjoyed fixing things, the weekends with all the river guys (Alan, David, Johnny, Kent, Terry, Troy), breakfast conversation with Mr. Billy Ray Dabbs and all his mechanical knowledge, and watching football. He loved his children, grandchildren, and dogs Buddy and Mojo more than life.

He and Buddy enjoyed taking Katori and Lakota to school. Christmas was a favorite family time, and friends were important. Aussie was full of knowledge, love, and laughter that will forever be missed by many.

Please continue to keep his family and friends in thought and prayer for the days ahead.

This obituary was published by Heritage Funeral Home & Cremation Services.

This obituary was published by Obituaries provided free for the community.

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