The Reason for the Season: How United Communications Celebrates Community During the Holidays


The holidays are upon us, and the spirit of generosity that flows through the season inspires us to reflect on the needs of our community. As part of the local community they serve, United Communications is dedicated to giving back throughout the holiday season. 

Here are a few ways this local internet service provider celebrates giving back as a company and with its employees throughout the holiday season:

Connecting Families During the Holidays

We all hope to gather with our loved ones over the holidays, but travel can be a significant expense this time of year. United Communications wanted to help their customers reach those they loved the most, so they ran a contest to reward four participants with prizes to help them travel over the holiday season. 

Throughout the month of November, customers submitted personalized videos to the Making Connections Contest telling the team of United judges about someone special they’d like to visit. The videos were so touching, and United Communications was honored to award the four gift cards for travel to the top videos they received.  

Sponsoring Local Families with a Giving Drive 

For several years, United Communications’ People and Culture team has organized a giving drive with the company to sponsor holiday gifts for families across Middle Tennessee. Working closely with local agencies and charities who identify families in need, the People and Culture team coordinates donations from employees during November and December. United Communications then matches all the donations to help bring some holiday magic to these families.

In previous years, along with the incredible generosity of their employees, United Communications has been able to sponsor the holidays for three families, including gifts for the children, clothing for the family, and gift cards for groceries to prepare a holiday meal. 

Paid Time Off for Volunteering with Local Nonprofit Organizations 

The generous spirit of United employees goes beyond the company-wide giving drive. Many of United Communications’ employees have causes in the local community that they are passionate about and look forward to volunteering over the holidays. United believes in empowering their employees to give back, so they provide paid time off to volunteer or serve. While this benefit is available year-round for employees, there are extra opportunities to volunteer with the many incredible nonprofit organizations across Middle Tennessee during the holidays.  

Local Holiday Parades

Middle Tennessee is home to some spectacular holiday celebrations and traditions. To join in the festivities of the season, United Communications makes merry by participating in several local holiday parades. A volunteer team decorates a United bucket truck with lights and garland and travels to each parade to hand out candy with their United cartoon characters, Webbie and Filbert!

This year, keep an eye out for the festive United truck at the Franklin, Lebanon, Shelbyville, Smyrna, Chapel Hill, and Eagleville holiday parades!

United Communications Cares About the Communities in Middle Tennessee

Throughout the year, United Communications and its employees give back across Middle Tennessee with community events, volunteering, and charitable donations. United believes it’s essential to invest in the success of the communities they serve. The holiday season makes giving back extra special, and United Communications is honored to carry on the spirit of giving.

Happy holidays from United Communications and their team! Learn more about this local telecommunications company’s services online or call 1-800-779-2227 to get started today!

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