Local Artists Donate Wig Stands to Maury Regional Cancer Center

Wig Stands

Patients at the Maury Regional Cancer Center will benefit from a generous donation by a group of local woodturning artists.

The Duck River Woodturners and the Volunteer Woodturners of Bedford County have donated a number of handcrafted wig stands to the Cancer Center for distribution to patients receiving treatments for cancer. The stands, which were crafted using the process of woodturning, will be made available to patients who are selecting a wig from the wig bank in consultation with one of the center’s nurse navigators. The wig bank – a  program offered through the Maury Regional Health Care Foundation – provides wigs, head wraps and other head coverings to women undergoing cancer treatments.

“We are overwhelmed by the generosity that these talented community members have shown through the donation of these unique pieces of art for patients at our cancer center,” said Dana Salters, administrative director of oncology services and women’s center for Maury Regional Health.

Woodturning is the process of using tools to cut and mold wood while it turns on an axis of rotation. Crafters use a wood lathe and turner to sculpt the wood into the desired form. The stands donated to the Cancer Center are unique pieces, customized by the individual artists who made them.

The local groups include woodturning enthusiasts from the community who regularly meet to share ideas and experiences with their unique art. The groups have a mission to inform and educate community members about the art of woodturning by participating in demonstrations and showings of art pieces members have made.

The stands were donated as a “Project of Hope,” – part of the groups’ outreach to share their work with the community.

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