Spring Hill Family Raising Travel Funds for 2-Year-Old Daughter’s Surgery With Tee-Shirt Campaign


Two-year-old Dakota, from Spring Hill, is fighting a rare disease called Fibular hemimelia (or FATCO syndrome) and due to its severity, Dakota is facing double amputation of her legs. Dakota’s family is raising funds by selling tee-shirts to cover travel costs for her surgery.

The family is traveling to South Carolina for the surgery. Funds raised will offset the cost of travel and time off work required for the surgery and post-surgical needs.

Here’s how you can help.

The family has created a website where you can purchase a shirt with the phrase Dakota’s Foot Soldiers on the front of a black t-shirt with blue lettering. The family is asking the community to wear the shirts on November 30th, the day of Dakota’s surgery in support of the family and share a photo on social media with the hashtag #Dakotasfootsoldiers. Each shirt is $35 and all of the proceeds go towards travel costs. To date, they have raised $4,380 through tee-shirt sales. There are two more days left on the tee-shirt campaign. Purchase a t-shirt here. 

For those who would like to support the family in other ways, they have a website where you can purchase Amazon items on their wish list, bring a meal to the family after surgery, or send a donation to their Venmo account. Find the details here. 

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